30 Jul


Dear Pensioners of BDPA (INDIA),

CHQ BDPA (I) makes a fervent appeal to its members throughout the Nation to Join Dharna on 31st July, 23, under the banner of Joint Forum of BSNL- MTNL Pensioners Associations, en masse and make it very successful.

Comrades, you all are aware about the intense, rather day to day persuasion, for last 14 months, by this Association, on this crucial issue that eventually culminated in finalization of Proposal for our Pension Revision, based on 3rd prc, after, we were officially informed by top Establishment of DOT, on several occasions, that finally Pension Revision has been delinked from Pay Revision and the file, with the approval of Secy( T), was sent to DOP& PW, seeking relaxation in following Pension Rules, so as to facilitate delinking of Pension Revision from Wage Revision

  1. A) To permit DOT to fix Pension notionally wef 1.1.2017 to avoid anomalies between pre and Post 1.1.2017 retirees.
  2. B) Grant relaxation to allow fixation of Pension notionally wef 1.1.2017 in cases where Pension exceeded 50% of their last basic pay drawn
  3. C) To suggest appropriate fitment for Pension Revision.

DOP& PW, while suggesting that the first two relaxations sought by DOT will be considered by it after DOT gets approval from D.O.E  regarding fitment, returned the file to DOT somewhere in October,  22.

A proposal thereafter was finalized by Establishment Section of DOT in Nov, 22, suggesting zero percent fitment which was outrightly rejected by all thr Associations of Pensioners of BSNL/ MTNL.

Thereafter, DOT indulged in unwarranted and wasteful exercise of calculating Financial lmplications on various fitments in order to determine the burden that the Govt. will have to incur on various fitments of fixation for our PensionRevision. 

This exercise, which, we are confident was a deliberate and malicious attempt by bureaucrats in DOT to scuttle our legitimate demand of Pension Revision with 15% fitment since the question of calculating the implications did not and do not arise at all since we have in totality met the financial burden that Govt. will have to incur on our Pension Revision by paying Pension Contribution on maximum of our IDA scales. Thus uncalled for and irrational exercise of getting involved in working out Financial implications on various fitments was nothing but a very calculated and maneuvered move of DOT to scuttle our justified demand of Pension Revision with 15% fitment

Another untenable, baseless and mischievous malpropaganda being spread all over by bureaucrats in DOT is that Pensioners of BSNL/ MTNL are already drawing Pension higher that Central Govt. Pensioners. This absurd and malafide narrative being propagated by DOT bureaucracy has absolutely no basis since IDA scales, finalized by the Govt., in itself, are much higher than CDA scales and there is no ground to propagate this ridiculous and false narrative by DOT but to defeat our legitimate demand of Pension Revision with 15% fitment. *Nothing can be far from truth than this malicious and fabricated  narrative of DOT

Anyhow, after referring the proposal to CGCA asking it to work out financial implications on various fitments, and CGCA took about four to five months to send the required feedback to DOT.

Based on this feedback received by DOT from CGCA, Establishment Section of DOT worked out fresh proposal for Pension Revision, without recommending any fitment,  and, with the approval of Member ( Services), sent the proposal to Member( Finance) in Jan/ Feb, 23 for recommending fitment.

Thereafter, we were informed by Member Finance/ DOT that the file has been in April, 23 to Secy( T), for further necessary action. The percentage of fitment decided by Member ( Finance) was not revealed and is not known

.The worst thing on part of Secy (T) is that for last three months, the status of the issue is unknown. Whether Secy (T), in consultation with MOC, as was often informed to us by very senior officers, has taken final decision on the fitment or where and for what reasons the file is with Secy( T), for last three months, is intriguing

It is extremely pertinent and crucial to mention that this Associations met MOC on two occasions.

First time in Nov, 22, when we met MOC, he spontaneously and enthusiastically congratulated us personally for having got Pension Revision delinked from Wage Revision. He was visibly very happy about the development and also categorically informed us that he has directed both Secy (T) as well as Member ( Finance) to give the best possible fitment for Pension Revision

The second time we met him in March, 23. He specifically asked us what is our information about the fitment that DOT is considering. We, according to information given to us, informed MOC that 5% fitment is being contemplated by DOT

Immediately, on learning about 5% fitment, MOC asked his PS to put him through to Member ( Finance) / DOT, and, in our presence, directed him to give best possible fitment for Pension Revision.

These are the versions of none else than Hon MOC, about which we always kept our members well informed

Thus, Comrades, you can well understand and appreciate the compulsions that have forced us to launch protest actions. Having assured us at all stages that Pension Revision is delinked from Wage Revision and that final call would have to be taken by Secy ( T), in consultation with MOC, the stalemate has been continuing for last three months for unknown reasons

Our patience has been already beyond imagination and thousands and thousands of our colleagues have left this world without getting their legitimate Pension Revision.

This is nothing but insensitivity,  callousness, indifference and unprecedented sadistic attitude of DOT Bureaucracy towards Pensioners of BSNL/ MTNL.

Parallelly, this Association, along with other Associations, has already filed an OA in PB CAT ND. The arguments by both the applicants and the respondents are already over and the final Judgment is expected to be delivered on 16th August, 23 by PB CAT ND

 We reassure our Comrades that our legal battle along with our Protest actions will continue till we reach our final destination which is just and irrefutably nothing but highly legitimate

Under these prevailing compelling Circumstances,  CHQ BDPA(I) humbly appeals to its office bearers at all the levels, activists and base level Comrades to get involved fully in our forthcoming Dharna on 31st July,23 and make it a grand success. 

Best wishes for complete success of the program

Comradely yours


Dinesh D. Mistry

