BDPA (INDIA) – PALAKKAD District – Kerala – District Conference held on14.12.2024
BDPA (INDIA Palakkad District Kerala held its 4th District Conference held on14.12.2024 at Top In Town, Garden Hall, Palakkad. Sri. Jawahar Raj presided over the meeting and Sri. A. M. RASHEED ALI, Circle President inaugurated the conference. Sri. G. Surendran, Circle Secretary was the Chief Guest. Sri. Thomas George, Circle Treasurer and Sri. Krishnamohan, District Secretary, Ernakulum delivered felicitation speech.
Advocate. Sri. K. V. Jose, All India Asst. Secretary, NUBSNLW(FNTO) also attended and had a narration on Pension Revision, commutation recovery and implementation of JPC report on additional pension on attaining 65/70/75 age @ 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. Sri. C. Sasidharan, Dist. Treasurer expressed vote of thanks.
The following office bearers were elected for ensuing term:
President: Sri. A. M. Rasheed Ali, AO (Retd)
Secretary: Sri. P. K. Jyothiprasadan, JTO (Retd)
Treasurer: Sri. C. Sasidharan, TT Retd)