BDPA (INDIA) – KERALA CIRCLE – 5th Circle Conference held on 25.01.2025 in Ernakulam

28 Jan

BDPA (INDIA) – KERALA CIRCLE – 5th Circle Conference held on 25.01.2025 in Ernakulam.  It was inaugurated by Sri Remesh Chennithala MLA. former opposition leader Kerala & Congress Working Committee Member. Shri K Babu MLA,G Surendran (Circle Secretary BDPA),  T. J. Vinod MLA, Joseph,  Vazhakan, former MLA, Jaison George MD, Veekshanam, Thomas John K All India President, , Krishnamohan( Convenor Reception Committee), Ramesan (INTUC STATE SECTRY INTUC), Tharuvaikutty (INTUC), Jose KV, Gopakumar, Rasheed Ali( State president BDPA)Ramdas( State secretary, FNTO) spoke on Pensioners related issues. Detailed report will follow at the end of Pics.


Fifth Circle Conference of BDPA (I) was scheduled to be held on 28th December, 2024, but due to demise of Hon PM, Dr. Manmohan Sighji, and it was rescheduled to 25th Jan 2025.

It was to be inaugurated by Hon Opposition leader Shri V D Satheesan MLA and due to change in dates it was inaugurated by Shri Ramesh Chennithala Former Home Minister Kerala. The reception committee suffered huge financial loss as well as organizational hazards.

The Conference commenced 09.00 AM by hoisting BDPA (I) flag by Circle President A. M. Rasheed Ali; followed with Inaugural function started at 10 AM. Two Minutes silence was observed in the memories of VIPs & Members of Association who expired during this period.  Shri Rasheed Ali, Circle President presided over the meeting. Shri Krishnamohan General Convenor Reception Committee accorded welcome.

Hon. Ramesh Chennithala, talked at length how BSNL is killed meticulously by DOT & Government to provide space for privatization. VRS was CRS he pointed out. He said it is unkind on the part of any democratic Government to deny Pension revision to its pensioners due since last 8 years;  who served this Country during their prime youth. Even the recommendation of Joint Parliamentary Committee which are made after detailed study recommending 5% increase in pension at the age of 65, 10% at age 70, & 15% at age 75 is shelved for reasons best known to Hon Finance Minister. He also said that judiciaries orders to stop recovery of commutated Pension after period of 12 years is not implemented.

Shri K. Babu MLA, Shri TJ Vinod MLA, Shri Benny Behanan MP, Shri Ramesan, State Secretary INTUC, Shri Tharvaikutty INTUC, Shri Thomas John K, All India President BDPA, Shri Gopakumar, Adv KV Jose, Shri G Surendran Circle Secretary BDPA, Shri Ramdas, Circle Secretary FNTO, Shri Thomas George Circle Treasurer BDPA addressed the conference. Around 300 delegates assembled at Cochin ignoring physical ailments, and age related inconveniences.

The Conference deliberated on various issues pertaining to BDPA (I) members and Shri Rasheed Ali replied all queries.

The Conference adopted unanimously resolutions against the indifferent attitude in handling Senior Citizens issues like Pension Revision, Commutation of Pension issues, & increase in pension at a time frame fixed by Joint Parliamentary Committee.

The Conference warned Government & DOT authorities that BDPA (I) will not sit quiet on solving issues and will organize Trade Union action by coordinating likeminded Pensioners Unions. More than 300 Pensioners were present in the Open Session.

Click for Result: 28.01.2025 Election Result