PENSIONER’s ID Format is changed
PENSIONER’s ID Format is changed w.e.f. 1.10.2020 click: 10.09.2020 NEW IDENTITY CARD FOR PENSIONERS OCTOBER 2020
BSNL and DOT Pensioner Association (India) Official Website
PENSIONER’s ID Format is changed w.e.f. 1.10.2020 click: 10.09.2020 NEW IDENTITY CARD FOR PENSIONERS OCTOBER 2020
OBITUARY – Shri Hanumantha Shetty BT Ex TT Nagarabhavi Telephone Exchange BSNL Bengaluru (VRS 31st Jan 2020) met with a road accident, expired at 7.30pm. We convey our heartfelt condolancs to bereaved family.
On this day before 20 years before we achieved Government pension on IDA scale from consolidated fund of India after an indefinite strike held for 3 days on agreement with govt.Agreement was signed by late O P Gupta SG NFTE … Read More »
Monthly Pension Processing Via SAMPANN. Letter No.-47-13/TA-II/PDA/2016/Pt./Vol-2/2628-55, dt-03-09-2020.. Click: 08.09.2020 Monthly Pension Processing SAMPANN
Shri H.R. Gupta, All India Vice President, writes to CPMG JAMMU ON PENSIONERS ISSUES. Click: 03.09.2020 HR GUPTA TO CGM JAMMU.pdf
Seeking information under RTI Act. dt-24-08-2020 – NAMESOF PSUs facing disinvestment. click: 08.09.2020 RTI Information PSU Disinvestment
Grant of Prosecution Sanction in respect of Serving/Retired officers. Letter No.-262-02/19- CBI.Gen, dt-04-09-2020. Click: 08.09.2020 Prosecution sancton
OBITUARY – SHIV KUMAR, ATT O/O PGM Bangalore expired on 06.09.2020. He was suffering from Corona-19 and hospitalsed for two days on his arrival from his village. We convey our heartfelt condolances to his family.