2nd September, 2015 Strike Successful

3 Sep

Information received from various quarter reads that the strike was successful and numerous members participated. Hope the Government will take notice of the workers signal and concern.  In some cities even transports were completely halted.


2 Sep

Government of India has recently launched DIGITAL LOCKER facility for all. One can store all his scanned certificates like PAN CARD, AADHAAR CARD, DRIVING LICENCE, DEGREE CERTIFICATES & BIRTH CERTIFICATES or any other important certificates or documents in it. The … Read More »

27th SCOVA Meeting – Agenda Item

2 Sep

The N.F. Railway Pensioners’ Association, Standing Group Members, SCOVA, affiliated to Bharat Pensioner Samaj, New Delhi submitted the items for discussion on 29.09/2015 Meeting. View the item:   SITEM

Extra Increment Case

2 Sep

The Kerala High Court rejected the arguments of Department of Telecom and upheld the CAT  Judgement asking DoT to count extra increment for fixing pension, even if is over and  Above The maximum of pay scale.