I.D.A ORDERS ISSUED BY D.P.E. W.E.F. 01.04.2020
I.D.A ORDERS ISSUED BY D.P.E. W.E.F. 01.04.2020 CLICK: 04.04.2020 IDA ORDERS ISSUED BY DPE 01.04.2020
BSNL and DOT Pensioner Association (India) Official Website
I.D.A ORDERS ISSUED BY D.P.E. W.E.F. 01.04.2020 CLICK: 04.04.2020 IDA ORDERS ISSUED BY DPE 01.04.2020
Consumer Price Index For Industrial Workers -AICPI(IW) for February,2020 decreased by TWO points and stood at 328. Therefore IDA from 1st April will be 160.7 % that is an increase of 3.4%, TOTAL 160.7% WE GOT FIGURE TOO LATE.
Corporate office issued 5.3% increased IDA order. F. No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-08-01-2020Corporate office issued 5.3% increased IDA order. F. No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dated 08.01.2020, Circular No.95 endorsing DPE Order on IDA Click: 09.01.2020 IDA ORDERS ENDSD BY BSNL CO
D.P.E. order on I.D.A. W.E.F. 01.01.2020 click: 04.01.2020 DPE ORDER ON IDA 01.01.2020
I.D.A. W.E.F. 01.01.2020 – The increase will be 5.3% and total will be 157.3%. The AI CPI (IW) for October 2019 increased by 3 points and stood at 325. The CPI for November is 328. Based upon this the IDA … Read More »
I.D.A. Order endorsed by BSNL Corporate Office. CLICK: 11.10.2019 IDA ORDER BSNL ENDORSEMENT
D.P.E. issued order for revised orders on I.D.A. W.E.F. 01.10.2019 click:08.10.2019 DPE ORDER ON IDA 1.10.2019
BSNL Corporate Office endorses D.P.E. I.D.A. Order w.e.f. 01.07.2019