Obituary – Manohar Lal Raina Rtd BSNL expired on 13.07.2022
Obituary – Manohar Lal Raina Rtd BSNL Srinagar expired on 13.07.2022 We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.
BSNL and DOT Pensioner Association (India) Official Website
Obituary – Manohar Lal Raina Rtd BSNL Srinagar expired on 13.07.2022 We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.
D. D. MISTRY’s Three Daughters pay tribute to their Beloved Mom who left for her heavenly journey one years ago.. G.S. convey his gratuities to all the members of Association and viewers who inspire him to fill up vacuum created … Read More »
Obituary – Patel Ishwarbhai Rambhai, Membership No: 2098, Surat retired Sr. TOA (P) expired on 07.07.2022. He was born on 04-Dec-1943 and retired on 31-Dec-2003 . We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.
Obituary – Detroja Vasrambhai Bhudarbhai Morbi, Membership No: 2528i, DWC Member (Rural), expired on 25.06.2022. He was born on 06-Aug-1949 and retired on 31-Aug-2009 Sr TOA G. We convey our heartfelt condolences to bereaved family.
OBITUARY – JOSHI DAHYABHAI M, SURAT, Membership No,7293, EXPIRED ON 14.06.2022. He was born on 01-Jun-1954 and retired on 01-Jan-2014 as TM. We convey our condolences to his family.
Obituary – Ram Narayan Dayali Prasad Pal, 91 years, father of Shri INDRAPALSINGH RAMNARAYAN, SURAt, Membership No.7714, expired on 12.06.2022. We convey our heartfelt condolences to bereaved family.
OBITUARY – VASAVA RAMESHBHAI DALSUKHBHAI, Membership No. 9015 Kheda District expired on 05.06.2022. He was born on 25-Nov-1959 and retired on 30-Nov-2019 as OS P. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.
Obituary – Abdul Ahad retired BSNL as WM Telegraph Office, Jammu, expired on 04.05.2022 We convey our heartfelt condolences to his familyl.