Apology and regret

4 Dec

The GS express his sincere regret for interruption in maintenance of web as his wife was admitted in the Hospital and in ICU for two days due to heavy blood pressure and diabetic trouble and now under improvement. He is … Read More »

BPS 60th AGM held at Amritsar

29 Nov

60th AGM of Bharat Pensioner Samaj was held at Amrisar on 29.11.2015 and delegates/observers from all over India attended. The Conference was glittering success. Shri Gopal Misra Secretary NCM addressed and said that positive elements of 7th CPC should be … Read More »

Web updates..

27 Nov

Dear Viewers, Since the system has snag, we could not update you since last four days.   Today I am leaving for Amritsar and will reach there on 28th evening and will attend BPS AGM on 29th Nov 2015 and … Read More »