DOT FILED APPLICATION IN DELHI HIGH COURT ON PENSION REVISION CASE – Department application dismissed with 20000 cost Stay not granted Details will follow.

31 May

DOT FILED APPLICATION IN DELHI HIGH COURT ON PENSION REVISION CASE – Department application dismissed with 20000 costs Stay not granted. 


The Writ Petitions in the Pension Revision matters were listed today i.e. 31.05.2024 as Item No. 16 & 18 (along with the connected matter at item no. 17) before Hon’ble Justice Rekha Palli and Hon’ble Justice Saurabh Banerjee at the Delhi High Court. Mr. Kirtiman Singh appeared on behalf of the Petitioner/DOT. Mr. Rajshekhar Rao, Senior Advocate, briefed by Ms. Puri, appeared on behalf of the Respondents.

DOT had filed applications seeking stay of the contempt proceedings before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench as well as early hearing of the Writ Petitions before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. However, the Hon’ble Bench dismissed the said applications with costs of Rs. 10,000/- for each application payable to the High Court staff based on their observation that the Petitioner could have approached the Hon’ble Court any time after the Order dated 05.04.2024 but instead has approached the Court in a delayed manner in the end of May after one month has passed since the Order in the contempt proceedings as well. The request for an early date was also not granted since the Writ Petitions are already listed for hearing on 12.07.2024.