GS SNPWA – Regarding inclusion of Pension Revision in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC – Discussions with Com Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secy/ Staff Side National Council of JCM

12 Feb

GS SNPWA – Regarding inclusion of Pension Revision in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC – Discussions with Com Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secy/ Staff Side National Council of JCM.

Consequent upon submission of note by this Association to the Cabinet Secretary, pleading with him to include the Critical Issue of our Pension Revision in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC, GS had a very detailed discussion with Com Mishra on this issue, based on the aforesaid mentioned note, a copy of which was endorsed to him

We are extremely thankful to Com Mishra for having discussed this issue informally with Secy/ DOP& T in the crucial meeting that Staff Side of NJCM had with her on 10th Feb, 25 regarding finalization of Terms of Reference of 8th CPC.

Com Mishra informed GS that, even though Secy/ DOP&T expressed some reservation for including this issue in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC on the ground that retired employees of BSNL/ MTNL were part of CPSU and not the Govt , yet Com Mishra very firmly maintained and conveyed to Secy/ DOP& T that, since their Pension is governed by CCS Pension Rules of 1972, and paid from the Consolidated Fund of Govt. of India, the inclusion of their Pension Revision in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC has very strong justification. After informal discussion, Secy/ DOP& T asked Com Mishra to submit a separate note on this issue.

This morning, GS discussed the issue with Com Mishra who informed him that he is already finalizing a note on this crucial issue and that the mote will be submitted to Secy/ DOP& T in a day or two.

Com Mishra asked GS to get in touch with him on 17th Feb, 25 after he submits the note to Secy/ DOP& T.

This Association has no words to express its deepest sense of gratitude to Com Mishra for his continuous and sustained efforts to get this crucial issue included in the Terms of Reference of 8th CPC which undoubtedly is a herculean task

GS is and will continue to remain in constant touch.