OBITUARY – H.R. BALOLKAR, Retd. Sr. Accountant, Ahmedabad expired on 08.06.2024

9 Jun

OBITUARY – H.R. BALOLKAR, Retd. Sr. Accountant,  Membership No. 86, Ahmedabad expired on 08.06.2024. He was born on  19-Feb-1944  and 29-Feb-2004 Sr.Accountant(TA), o/o the C.C.A. Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad. He was very active in BDPA (INDIA) in the initial time of the Association and had also attended AGM of AIFPA Chennai. He was of a helping nature and had several Pensioners during his service period. His besnu will be held on 10.06.2024 at his residence in the morning.

We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family members.