OBITUARY – K.V. JOSE – PALLAKAD District expired on 03.03.2025

4 Mar

K.V. JOSE, District Treasurer, BDPA (I),PALLAKAD District expired on 03.03.2025 by Cardiac arrest. . He was very energetic & active leader of FNTO/BDPA (i)  and he played very active role in building up our Organization in Palakkad Dist. After retirement he is very active in organizing our pension organization. He was one of the organizer in participating 60 delegates from Palakkad district  in the Circle Conference of BDPA( I ) held a Ernakulam on 25 th January 2025. We thankfully remember his services towards our organization and dip our flag. We pray to the Almighty to rest his soul in peace. We extend our sincere and deep sorrow to the members of the bereaved family. 

We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family members.