3 Jun

Shri C.T. DAVID, Thrissur,  Member No. 3590, aged 63, expired on 1-6-16 at 0800 P.M.  following a brief illness. He is survived by his wife, a son and a married daughter. President Shri T J Jose placed wreath in the … Read More »


2 Jun

Shri Lalitkumar  Mangaldas Solanki, Retired BSNL Pensioner, expired on 29.05.2016. We convey our condolences.

June 2016 Birthday

1 Jun

We have updated June 2016 Birthday. To-day 662 members are greeted by the BDPA (INDIA) on their birthday. BirthDayOfMonth


31 May

Shri V.P. KASREKAR, Membership No.107, Born on 20-02-1945 had joined the service on 02.10.1964 and retired as Sr TOA TL, from the office of the PGM Vadodara Telecom District, expired on 28-may-2016. We convey our heartfelt condolences.


29 May

In continuous of our earlier reporting, we further report that the file is still in DoT Office. Obviously we do not prefer to report on day to day basis, unless there is something worth reporting. The file in process of … Read More »

78.2% I.D.A. Merger Issue

26 May

As reported earlier, the Cabinet Secretariat had returned the Cabinet Note seeking some information on procedural issues. Complying with the directive, the Cabinet Note incorporating the required information is probably expected to be submitted to Cabinet Secretariat latest by 27th … Read More »