28 Mar

On 26.03.2016, we had informed all the viewer as under: All the District/Circle Secretaries and their office borers have sent the following representation by email/letter to MoC & DoT . The CHQ Office bearers have also send the same. Now, … Read More »

Shri GOPAL JOSHI, CCA – Retirement Party.

23 Mar

Shri Gopal Joshi, CCA Gujarat arranged a Retirement Party on 22.03.2016 at Hotel Dinner Bell,  Memnagar, Ahmedabad during the period from 11.00 to 14.00 hours extending invitation to all the Associates/officers and others. Shri D.D. Mistry attended the Party and … Read More »


21 Mar

S/Shri D.D. Mistry, N.A. Patel, H.C. Bhatia and R.C. Sharma on 20.03.2016 went to Rajkot and met Shri Mansukhbhai P. Tankaria at his house. He had met with accident and now recovering. Shri M.G. Dhebar from Rajkot also joined them. … Read More »