18 Mar

The Pension Anomaly Case filed by AIBSNLPWA was listed as  NO 68 for hearing on 15.03.2016. As the Court  sit up to 13.00 hours, it is postponed to 19.04.2016

Pensioners Day Celebration

17 Mar

The Central Government Pensioners Association (Gujarat), Ahmedabad celebrated Pensioners Day on 16th March 2016 at Town Hall, Ahmedabad which was attended by more than 1000 pensioners from Gujarat. Shri D.D. Mistry, GS BDPA (INDIA) attended the celebration. While responding to … Read More »

Web Viewers

14 Mar

We have crossed 25,00.000 viewership mark on 13th March, 2016. We thank all our viewers for their regular visit to our web instilling confidence in our web.


14 Mar

We are in receipt of continuous inquiries from the members on the status of 78.2% IDA Merger Issue. We regret that we could not provide you any concrete information on day to day basis and kept our eye on movement … Read More »