
24 Feb

Shri K.S. Bhalakia, Retired CTM CTO Ahmedabad expired on 20.02.2016 at Ahmedabad. We convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.


20 Feb

Mrs. Aruna Pratiksh Shah, Membership No. 5293, Sr. TOA G, Born on 04.12.21951 and retired on 31.12.2011, expired on 17.02.2016 at Ahmedabad. We convey our heartfelt condolences to bereaved family.

Brief News

19 Feb

BSNL Board meeting on 04.03.2016. The Corporate office has posted Smt. Anima Roy as GM (Rectt) vide  Letter No.-315-06/2012-Pers.I(Pt), dt-17-02-2016.  The : NC JCM BSNL  Meeting on 10th March 2016.