Secretary BSNL/PSU Bharat Pensioner Samaj, writes to Ms. Jayati Samaddar, Controller of Communication Accounts, Gujarat Telecom Region, Ahmedabad-380001 on the issue of ” A REQUEST TO RESTORE PENSION – Case of Smt. Padmaben Natvarlal Modi, DoT CDA Pensioner – PPO No; TAC/PEN/PNM/98-99/54-17 Dated 30.12.2023.
Click:.12.09.2023 P.N. MODI DLC CASE
click: 12.09.2023 Copy of representation to CCA
The Pensioner has also forwarded her case to the CCA Gujarat Courier, which has been received by the office and we hope that the Pensioner will get due justice timely instead of going on fault find missions with aged pensioner.