Secretary BSNL/PSU Bharat Pensioner Samaj, writes to Shri Sandeep Savarkar, CGM Gujarat, Ahmedabad on the issue of ” Delay in payment of Medical Reimbursement though covering approval given by your office and rejection of the case by the O/o GMTD Rajkot on that ground– Case of Shri V.K. Gosalia, Retd. Sr TOA/TL O/O GMTD, Rajkot – HR No; 197309783.
Secretary BSNL/PSU Bharat Pensioner Samaj, writes to Shri Sandeep Savarkar, CGM Gujarat, Ahmedabad on the issue of “Delay in payment of Medical Reimbursement though covering approval given by your office and rejection of the case by the O/o GMTD Rajkot on that ground– Case of Shri V.K. Gosalia, Retd. Sr TOA/TL O/O GMTD, Rajkot – HR No; 197309783.”