Secretary BSNL/PSU Bharat Pensioner Samaj, writes to Shri Sandeep Sawarkar Chief General Manager, BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad. 380009 on “Denial of conveying covering approval by your office and rejection the case by the O/o GMTD Rajkot on that ground– Case of Shri V.K. Gosalia, Retd. Sr TOA/TL O/O GMTD, Rajkot – HR No; 197309783.”
Secretary BSNL/PSU Bharat Pensioner Samaj, writes to Shri Sandeep Sawarkar Chief General Manager, BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad. 380009 on “Denial of conveying covering approval by your office and rejection the case by the O/o GMTD Rajkot on that ground– Case of Shri V.K. Gosalia, Retd. Sr TOA/TL O/O GMTD, Rajkot – HR No; 197309783.’