Secretary BSNL/PSU BHARAT PENSIONER SAMAJ writes to Shri Sandeep Sawarkar, Chief General Manager, BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad on the issue of ” Empanelment of CGHS/ECHS Hospitals – Regarding – Blatant violation of Corporate Office Letter No: BSNLCO-ADMN/11(12)/1/2020-ADMN-Part (1) dated 05.03.2024, 05.04.2024, 13.08.2024 and 04.10.2024 – by the GMTD Rajkot District, Rajkot.”.
Click: 11.12.2024 WEB Wackhard Hospital CGM
BSNL Corporate Letter : 09.10.2024-CMD-BSNL-ON-CGHS
GMTD RAJKOT LETTER : 11.12.2024 Rajkot BSNL LETTER 11-21-2024
FORRUM LETTER 1 : Joint letter11122024
FORRUM LETTER 2 : Joint letter11122024_0001